
Final Fantasy X

As is the case with all modern Final Fantasy games, FFX delivered an incredible experience through and through. It was bold, innovative and amazing to play through. But there were some who were heavily dissatisfied by it. How could this be? Let's take a look.

The world of FFX was breathtaking. Many screen shots can be posted on walls as artwork, the vistas are rendered in the most complete detail. Even the characters seem very alive. There is certainly little negative one can say about the presentation of the game itself. The Aeon summonings will leave your jaw hanging slightly open. The animation is smooth and consistent throughout the game, and the attention to detail is truly commendable.

The ability to switch out characters mid-fight was something you don't see in a lot of large scale fantasy games. It lent a powerful, multi-character strategy to be developed and, in many cases, scrapped just as quickly. The advancement for each character on a map-like grid was especially appealing to me. There were several locations where one could choose one path or another, developing the character in different ways. The ability to learn powers that started off on another character later in the game was helpful for solidifying character teams the player preferred.

Of course, getting characters to the abilities you wanted for them could be time consuming, and this led some people to gripe about the feature. I found it exhilarating myself. The long hours of effort pay off in the end when you can build each character exactly how you wanted them, with a variety of different abilities and even build their stats around those abilities.

The largest complaint seemed to come near the end. In the final stages of the game you actually wind up inside the boss himself. The fight to get to that area is intense and very challenging. The reward? The final battle. This is the point where you would be hearing some cliffhanging riff, no?

However, the final battle is a disappointment of the highest variety. It seemed scarcely more challenging than the first boss of the game, many hours and levels prior. This, to me, was the largest letdown of the game. The inability to build to something climactic and intense is frustrating on all levels. To be sure, it is the games largest drawback.

Overall, of course, FFX is a solid 8.5 or 9 out of 10. The final battle, I'm afraid, is a 3 at best


Mirror's Edge

Mirrors Edge was born out of Parkour/free running and places you in the role of Faith, a messenger for the people of the city who don't trust electronic communications. Faith travels across rooftops, out of sight and out of mind of the authorities. However things are about to change.
I'm a bit late reviewing this, since it came out on PC in the early days of the site and I had already bought several games to review. So I've had the "opportunity" to read other reviews of this and see if my hopes that it would be the great landmark game it seemed like it could be. Apparently not!
So now it was my turn to have a go and see if I agreed with the general consensus. And the answer to that is yes and no.
You're taken through the basic training that shows you how to do the special wall running/jumping and rolling that helps you traverse the landscape. I have to admit, I tried this on the Xbox-360 and I found it far easier on the PC. Throughout the game I did come across some areas that took me many, many attempts to get past. I remember one area where it took me almost 30 times to get a tricky jump right. So it's not easy anyway. However, when you get it right, it's fabulous fun and the whole world feels completely accessible. I was really, really hoping for more possible routes in places though, they could have reduced the difficulty by doing this and made the game a little more fun for those of us who don't care if we get every move spot on.
The scenery itself however really appealed to me. The bright whiteness and huge scale of the city really gave Mirrors Edge an Epic feel to it. The problem was though, it's a bit like driving:
You don't really notice the scenery when you have to drive.
Combat wise was a similar story to the rest of the game. They suggest you try to isolate the enemies before you take them down, but the process of isolating them is tricky. If you get more than one attacking you in close quarters you can pretty much guarantee you'll be returning to the last checkpoint in no time. On the other hand, there are times where the combat just flows beautifully and you seem to be running rings around the bad guys. I do wish there had been a little more stealth in there. When you're taught combat you're shown how to disarm someone from behind. But I only came across one opportunity to do this. The bad guys always, always knew where I was otherwise even if they hadn't seen me for a while, so there was no real way to crawl around in secret and then disarm them easily. Additionally to this, the actual window of time for disarming some of these enemies was ridiculously short and I was forced to jump kick everyone and then run away before they could react nearly every time. Either that or use bullet time (oh yeah, they have bullet time) to slow everything down enough to get the click in.
The story of Mirrors Edge is short. It's a complaint I agree with, but on the other hand this is a fast game so the large areas that would take quite some time in your standard fps game take only a few seconds here. And although the story is short, it's not bad, which is a relief considering the daughter of the great Terry Pratchett was involved! I really hope that a sequel that focuses more on the story is on it's way because if there was just a bit more plot I think this could have been the hit of the year.
Some of the story is told in animated comic-book format. You'll either love it or hate it. I, for one, thought it was great.
The story is well matched by the music score that really worked for me. The minimalist sound really lent itself to the huge openness that the game, at least, portrays. I'm also a fan of the theme song, which helps I guess!

Basically the main problems with this game revolve around its length and it's unforgiving nature in regards to jumps and combat. It has huge plus points in its setting, quality of story/setting and fun once you've gotten used to it. If you can get your hands on the demo or not you'll know the second you start playing if this game is for you, but I think it's excellent.

Score: 80 out of 100

Final words: Mirrors Edge is a great game, but look before you leap! Try the demo first as it's not for everyone!

This article was written by Andy Yates of PC Games and Reviews
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Yates


Call of Duty 4

Few series in the gaming world have been so varied in terms of quality quite as Call of Duty. Many console owners have only really had experience with 3rd game in the series, an Xbox 360 only installment that was developed by a different company from the original games. Call of Duty 3, while not a terrible game, wasn't a great example of what the series can achieve under the right direction.
Luckily Call of Duty 4 sees a return of developers Infinity Ward and a change of pace for the series. Traditionally set during the Second World War, COD 4 has moved the series forward to the modern day, swapping out the traditional Japanese and Nazi enemies for a more contemporary battlefield focused around terrorism.
A modern first person shooter set predominately against Middle Eastern terrorists might not sound exactly original, but the story turns out to be one of the games major selling points. The usual bravado and macho garbage that you usually find associated with FPS games is completely absent, replaced with some incredibly varied environments, realistic characters and a sense of the futility of war rather than the promotion of it.
The plot is backed up by some amazing level design. All of the epic set pieces that made Call of Duty 2 so amazing have returned in full force with the advantage of modern graphics and modern weaponry making the game even more explosive and dynamic than it was before. Levels involve a mix of the linear and open, and while there's nothing approaching a Farcry level of 'choosing' how to fight, there are plenty of areas where you've got enough options to allow for a variety of play styles and tactics.
The Artificial Intelligence is some of the best we've ever seen in a FPS. Combined with plenty of opportunities to make intelligent use of weapons and terrain there's a level of strategy in COD 4 that's slightly more advanced than most other Xbox 360 shooters. Even the obligatory stealth section is enjoyable rather than frustrating. The AI is good enough to make the game quite difficult, even on easier settings, so gamers will be in for a challenge.
Call of Duty 4 looks brilliant. Modern FPS games normally conjure an image of dull, grey brown colours and endless battles set in Middle Eastern, brown colored towns with no personality. COD 4 really breaks the mould with environments varying from barren deserts to lush forests that are nearly too nice to be destroyed by the battles that take place within them. The audio is particularly standout; if you have a good sound system it's nearly cinematic in quality and makes great use of directional audio.
At around six hours, the length is going to be the major turn off for many gamers looking to get more "bang" for their buck. However, what you get with COD 4 isn't so much about the quantity and more about the fact that every level and every fight has a purpose. Nothing has been added as filler just to pad out the game. It's honest, genuine quality from start to finish and well worth every cent.
Vince loves to write reviews and articles on digital gadgets and console games. When he isn't writing about Xbox 360 he is playing xbox live for free.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_M._Stevens


Dead Or Alive 4

The Dead or Alive fighting games, produced for the XBox 360 by the production company Tecmo are well known for their sexy characters with large breast, flashing knickers, ripped torso's etc. This fourth release in the franchise is no different with buxom fighting girls such as Kasumi and Hitomi.
A new addition for this game that wasn't in the earlier ones is the presence of the Spartan character, who avid gamers will recognize from his fame in the Halo series, also made by Tecmo. This really does add a new dimension to the gameplay as well as adding obvious novelty value, and fans of Halo will really enjoy using Spartan to fight their way through the game and the other characters.
It is a fairly easy to learn game that doesn't require long hours of practice to learn enough moves to get anywhere, although the speed of the action can sometimes lend itself to button bashing rather than controlled skill. This makes it ideal for casual gamers or for people who don't usually play fighting games, but perhaps a little bit frustrating for veteran martial arts gamers.
There are some really beautiful backgrounds in the game, with plenty of attention to detail in the scenery. This does make it a visually attractive game and I think it is an important part of the overall experience.
There is perhaps an over-reliance on using big breasts and sexy female fighters to grab your attention, but then this is exactly what fans of Dead or Alive games love them for, so if you played an earlier incarnation and enjoyed it then it's a pretty safe bet that you will enjoy this one too. If your new to the franchise then don't expect serious hardcore gaming, but do expect to have fun playing an engaging game.


Westward III

After guiding settlers and thwarting bandit gangs from the previous Westward games, it's now time for your pioneers to stake their claim from Northern California's vast riches in Westward III: Gold Rush. A bright future awaits three new heroes as they find adventure in this third installment of the hit life simulator franchise. There are new stories to tell and new challenges to face with the same old gameplay mechanics that ensures this game to be a hit for fans and non-fans alike.
Just like Westward II: Heroes of the Frontier, in this game, you are to choose between three pioneers each with his or her own story to tell. However, even though each will follow a different path towards their destiny, there's one common denominator between them too, and that's to start a new life in search of greater fortune in the west. Furthermore, choosing your alter ego will also unlock one free building for you to use, depending on your hero's personality and expertise.
Westward III: Gold Rush plays the same as the earlier games of the series where your objective is to fulfill tasks and quests in order to build self sustaining settlements and continue on your mission. As the hero of the story, your main mission is to tend to the people living in your current town and keep them happy and well-supplied. Building different structures, searching for supply sources and providing jobs is only part of the story. Defending the town against bandits by hiring lawmen is equally as important.
All controls of the game make use of the mouse, with some alternatives using the keyboard buttons. You are provided with an action panel, a map and several other tools at the bottom of your screen. Above, you will find your missions, the store interface, and well, more buttons that you'll go visit from time to time. All in all, the icons can be a bit confusing at first, but just as traditional Westward fashion, you'll get use to all the tools in the interface as time goes by playing the game.

Westward III is one of the many games featured and reviewed at Casualicious. Please visit our site to read more about Westward III and get to play hundreds of other games worth your time and enjoyment.



I've been reading some facts about home aquariums lately and I actually found out that there's much more to know about fishes than just putting some living thing inside a tank. Thankfully, the FishCo game is like a teaching tool about keeping aquariums and taking care of one. And the best thing about it all is that it's a casual game.
FishCo is actually a name of a company, a business you and your partner Tracy built from your deep love for fishes. Your aim in this newly established venture is to of course, earn money from selling livestock and aquarium supplies. Dividing up the work, Tracy takes care of coordinating with the suppliers, and you will do all the raising, breeding and selling of fish, which actually brings us to the objectives of the game.

The game falls under the time management genre where you're tasked to profit from selling fish. Before each level starts, you're given specific tasks to fulfill before the time limit expires. Basic tasks include raising and feeding fishes until they are mature enough to sell. All the challenges are easy enough to complete within the time limit, but if you would like some decorations and fishes adorning your own trophy tanks, you would have to beat the expert time limit for each level.

One great thing about FishCo is how it closely simulates taking care of real life fish. Making sure your livestock is fed and raised properly only scratches the surface. Most of the time you will also have to clean the algae from the tanks and regularly change its water, put antibiotics and other medicine into the tanks whenever your fishes are infected, and even dispose of the fishes too if for some reason they die because of neglect. All in all showing you how aquarium-keeping is really one big responsibility, but something that offers so much fun too if done correctly.

FishCo is one of the many games featured and reviewed at Casualicious. Please visit our site to read more about FishCo and get to play hundreds of other games worth your time and enjoyment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruff_Bismonte


Burger Island 2

When Patty Melton and her short-tempered waiter Pierre got some real tough competition against their once-successful burger restaurant, it's time for them to move on to the next level. Burger Island 2: The Missing Ingredient lets you play again as the dynamic duo, trying newer and better recipes in order to win back their lost customers in this quirky time management game.

After one day of losing all of their customers against their wily competition, Burger Chief, Patty and Pierre came investigating and found that all the competitor's ingredients seem too familiar. What's worse, their go-to ingredient master, Tiki Guy, was kidnapped along with all his tasty recipes. Somehow, these two incidents seem very suspicious, but you have more important issues at hand - trying to build back your crumbling business, and try to find Tiki Guy in the process of expanding throughout the islands.

Aside from concocting burgers, Burger Island 2: The Missing Ingredient now lets you serve breakfast and snacks to add to Beach Burger's restaurant treats. Wait for orders to come in ringing at the top of your screen, fry those burgers, tacos or eggs, and try to collect all the ingredients in the order they must be put together for the perfect meal. Reach the target score for each level, and be rewarded with more revenue as you build reputation on your restaurant in the process.

Failing to reach the target profit for each day will make you retry the level again, and in order to avoid that, you must be prompt with each customer order. Putting in wrong ingredients to your meals will lose you money too, as well as burnt ingredients when you neglect them frying for a long time. On the other hand, you'll be awarded with bonus points depending on how you perform on each level, and get ranked higher too if you prove yourself well.

Burger Island 2 is one of the many games featured and reviewed at Casualicious. Please visit our site to read more about Burger Island 2 and get to play hundreds of other games worth your time and enjoyment.

Burger Island 2

GTR2 Game

Simbin, some love them some hate them. There's one point however everyone can agree on: they make hard core race simulators. Things that had to go were the visual lap/time indicators and using the grass as race line. But do these Sim like features destroy the fun?


GTR2 is a relatively old game but still up there with the big guns.. When it was released every sim freak went nuts and everyone else just thought: I can't drive this. But it still appeals to quite a broad audience. And that's no surprise because it packs some pretty impressive features. First of all it's the only game that licensed the official FIA GT championship. A championship split in two groups of race cars. A fast pure race machine class and a normal sport car tweaked class. Available cars include the Ferrari F360, Saleen S7-R and Aston martin DB9. And with machines like these and a clear push by the manufacturers for development, it's clearly not a B competition. Also the cars all look beautiful when the graphics are turned up. As do the tracks, that include greats like Spa and Imola. So the game packs the goods when it comes to license (they lost it now hence the awful sequel) and graphics. That's quite an achievement from the developers from Simbin.


GTR2's presentation appeals the broad audience but the game play attracts the sim players. Driving around the track of Spa is such a joy. Every bump in the road you feel and some places of the track clearly have less grip than others. For example: the pit exit feels very slippery but the racing line gives you the grip. The tracks are made in such detail that I almost forgot to mention the lack of them. GTR2 isn't grand turismo. It has about 12 tracks and 35 cars but the detail put in each track and car makes up for the lack of content. Cars all feel different and sound different. I'm a Ferrari fan and love that distinctive Scuderia engine sound, but others might like Porsche and will only by the sound recognize the vehicle.

24 hours

How many games let you race trough night and day in an extreme endurance race between manufacturers all over the game? Not many but GTR2 does! Doing that results in a fantastic experience with real life cars and tracks turning day and night on your full HD computer screen. Rain suddenly falls everyone pits, it turns night you have to press H to turn the headlight's on. Then your tyres are worn out and you have to make an extra pit stop as the number 2 Ferrari overtakes you and wins the fight after many hours of excitement. This perfectly sums up this highly realistic game that both pleases the arcade and sim racers. But to get the most out of it you must have patience and keep practicing. This isn't a pick it up and play but ultimately gives you the fulfilling feeling of a real race victory.


Pokemon Platinum Game

Every fan knows that each generation of Pokémon games always has three versions. After Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, here is Pokémon Platinum. And despite the absence of major innovations, everything suggests that this episode seems to have a bright future.

Pokemon Platinum has arrived. More than one million units were sold in just days, reflecting the extraordinary popularity of the series in the Japanese archipelago. Yet this version Platinum gives exactly the same story and the same game as its big sister on DS (Diamond and Pearl versions). Pokémon starting again in Ouisticram, Tortipouss and Tiplouf. It is still exploring the region of Sinnoh to recover badges in arenas. There are hundreds of wildlife to capture and raise, and so on.

The fighting tactics and gameplay is still the same. First, to cut short the various rumors and speculation, there are no new species of Pokémon in Platinum. However, some rare species now include new variants. Motisma, for example, can now appear in the form of appliances. Obviously, this does not impact on the glaring gameplay and fans will no doubt be disappointed. However, the Giratina is also in this game. This legendary Pokémon is also the star of Platinum. The new transformation is unlocked after you complete a new tower puzzle/quest that will test your sense of direction.

The graphics are more colorful but the environment is the same. The Pokédex has full information about the different species. Finally, the regulars of the series will note some differences with Diamond and Pearl versions such as improved graphics and the overall presentation. While the environments and scenery keep roughly the same look as the past but are more colorful and they are 3D from time to time. There are now also cut-scenes depicting key moments of the adventure. Sprite Pokémon in the game have underwent a facelift. In terms of story, there are all the old acquaintances from other versions like Diamond and Pearl and a handful of new smaller secret agents who appears regularly to help you in your adventures. In short, if Pokémon Platinum does not revolutionize the series on DS, there are still enough new features and gameplay to fill the neophytes and legitimize the impatience of fans.

For more pokemon information visit http://www.MorePokemon.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harry_Preston


Bubble Town Game

Remember the bubbles you made from soap when you were a kid? It's so much fun popping them out, and now, you get to feel the same nostalgia in the Bubble Town game from I-play. But will popping bubbles be fun to play in terms of casual gaming too? Well, that's what we're here to find out in this review.

The setting of Bubble Town starts in the idyllic little town of Borb Bay, where hundreds of little bubble heads called borbs live. One day, however, aliens called Lumps arrived on this quiet little town and invaded the whole of Borb Bay, leaving tons of mess around the place. You have to help the borbs get back their freedom once again, because well, they are just too lazy to do this task for themselves. And besides, what can they possibly do since they are just small heads of bubble, right?

Anyway, the game plays like the famous marble popper game known as Puzzle Bubble where you are tasked to clear all the bubbles in the game field by matching 3 or more same colored bubbles. There are no time limits in this game but for a different challenge, you'll only have a limited number of ammunition in your arsenal to make all the borbs pop. Refill your ammo by freeing little borbs from their confinement. This means not popping them, mind, but freeing them by popping their attachments instead.

If your ammo is full, spilling borbs trying to fill it up will mean bonus points. Additional borbs will eventually replenish your ammo tube if you expend them all out while making matches; however, this also means that your playing area will shrink during every replenishment routine. And coupled with other obstacles hindering your objective, Bubble Town is really one challenging game to play.

Bubble Town is one of the many games featured and reviewed at Casualicious. Please visit our site to read more about Bubble Town and get to play hundreds of other games worth your time and enjoyment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruff_Bismonte

UFC 2009 Undisputed Game

This is the second video game release that the Ultimate Fighting Championship has released, this new video game that is being sold on the 360 and the PS3 is a very fun and interesting video game, it allows you to play and use the moves that the Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters have in the cage, with hundreds of matches and tons of action this is one of the most exciting video games that I have ever played.

One of the things that I like is that every player has unique moves and the game is very realistic. Now some people have complaint a bit about the graphics but I actually like the way the game looks a lot, one thing that we have to remember is that a lot of people have downloaded a demo version of the game but the actual console version will be much better.

One of the downsides of the game is the long learning curve, each fighter has so many different moves that it becomes very hard to learn each move for each fighter, also the use of multiple combination in the controller makes it a bit harder for the game to be fast and easy to learn.

So really I would give 4 stars out of 5 for this game, with so many moves and all of the options that the game has this is a great way for people to experience what it feel to be an mixed martial arts fighter, well at least in your television screen.

If you still do not have a copy of this game you can downloaded directly into your favorite video game system.

For more MMA news, videos and more visit http://www.MMATroll.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Guzman