
Pokemon Platinum Game

Every fan knows that each generation of Pokémon games always has three versions. After Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, here is Pokémon Platinum. And despite the absence of major innovations, everything suggests that this episode seems to have a bright future.

Pokemon Platinum has arrived. More than one million units were sold in just days, reflecting the extraordinary popularity of the series in the Japanese archipelago. Yet this version Platinum gives exactly the same story and the same game as its big sister on DS (Diamond and Pearl versions). Pokémon starting again in Ouisticram, Tortipouss and Tiplouf. It is still exploring the region of Sinnoh to recover badges in arenas. There are hundreds of wildlife to capture and raise, and so on.

The fighting tactics and gameplay is still the same. First, to cut short the various rumors and speculation, there are no new species of Pokémon in Platinum. However, some rare species now include new variants. Motisma, for example, can now appear in the form of appliances. Obviously, this does not impact on the glaring gameplay and fans will no doubt be disappointed. However, the Giratina is also in this game. This legendary Pokémon is also the star of Platinum. The new transformation is unlocked after you complete a new tower puzzle/quest that will test your sense of direction.

The graphics are more colorful but the environment is the same. The Pokédex has full information about the different species. Finally, the regulars of the series will note some differences with Diamond and Pearl versions such as improved graphics and the overall presentation. While the environments and scenery keep roughly the same look as the past but are more colorful and they are 3D from time to time. There are now also cut-scenes depicting key moments of the adventure. Sprite Pokémon in the game have underwent a facelift. In terms of story, there are all the old acquaintances from other versions like Diamond and Pearl and a handful of new smaller secret agents who appears regularly to help you in your adventures. In short, if Pokémon Platinum does not revolutionize the series on DS, there are still enough new features and gameplay to fill the neophytes and legitimize the impatience of fans.

For more pokemon information visit http://www.MorePokemon.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harry_Preston

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