
World of Warcraft Game Guide

World of Warcraft is a game that has many dimensions to how it is best played. This is why there are many game guides that are available to download all over the internet. World of Warcraft is a game that involves role playing so you need to work out a strategy to get your character on as high a level as possible and there are many ways to do this. There are within the game many skills that need to be mastered to enhance your experience or if you simply need to have help in a particular area of the many parts of the game. Here are the three guides which are most sought after by wow gamers.

World of Warcraft hunter guide: Hunters are powerful characters in the game. They are held up high in the game due to their ability of having a creature in the game as companion for their adventures and quests. How to harness their power of influencing creatures in the game is what will make you or break you in the game. Do it right and as a Hunter you will be unstoppable regardless of the race you choose. Horde races like the Taurens are very skilled hunters and this is why one of the best Horde guides, Johanna’s 1-70 power leveling guide, is mostly dedicated to this class.

World of Warcraft Shaman Guide: The Warcraft of Shamans is one for being able to conjure up spells. The more they level up the more powerful their spells become. Look out for the Ghost Wolf spell at level 20, this allows the shaman to transform into a beast enhancing his or her movement. However the ability to conjure up spell while in this condition is suppressed. The lore, or story, behind the Shamans is that they garner their power with the help of the "Elemental Spirits" which are: Air, Earth, Wilds, and Fire.

World of Warcraft Warlock Guide: They are much like the Shamans in that they can cast spells but they have a darker more demonic side than the Shamans. They cast spells to inflict pain and maximum damage. Interestingly on the alliance side Gnomes and Humans are the two races that are eligible to become Warlocks. Unsurprisingly on the Horde side it is the Orcs, Undead and the Blood Elves who have defected from the Alliance during the recent Burning Crusade. While this maybe a truly sinister class it is a most powerful one.

For the ultimate in wow guides visit World Of Warcraft Guides Reviewed Always updated with the latest strategies and tips in World Of Warcraft. Click here to find out more: http://worldofwarcraftguides.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Ross

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