
Wii Bowling Game

Wii Bowling is a bowling game from the publisher Crave Entertainment. It belongs to the genre of sports and allows four players to join the game at the same time provides quick play to all bowling enthusiasts! There are pre-made bowlers in this game, which need to be selected to start a game so you do not have to waste time in choosing the players gender, hairstyle, body type, and clothing from an existing palette. The previous versions of this game required the gamer to select facial expressions that ranged from frustrated to bored, dull to glum. However, Wii Bowling now provides you with pre-made players that you only have to choose to start playing. Though not all gamers, especially younger ones, like this change and prefer to design their players.

Wii Bowling revolves around three game competitions and if you win two or more games you are declared the winner. The player participating earns money with winning which helps to earn you reputation and gear that enhances the bowler's attributes including stamina, arm strength and accuracy. These attributes help the player to make quality shots and earn points easily. The critics have said that the game is more entertaining if played with a group of friends. Overall, apart from the control scheme, this version does not live up to the expectations and has the least enjoyable action when compared to other versions of the game. Being a simulation game, its objective is to incorporate important factors and detailed variables that help to make a good roll. However, the Wii controls are not calibrated well and they make it almost impossible to get a precise shot.

This flaw creates many errors and even those gamers with a steady hand may not get a good roll. It is still manageable to bowl a consistent game but because of the inaccuracy you will fail in getting a good roll often. If the gamer is looking to score above 200 then a few bad rolls will ruin the game and your chances to score more points. The overall graphics of the game are not very pleasing except for the part when the pins crash, the cut scene has amazing graphics and is a pleasure to watch, although it gets repetitive after a while. Another minor flaw is the music given to the game, it's not very impressive and it does nothing to enhance the bowling game experience. This version is expensive and costs about forty dollars.The makers of the Wii Bowling game attempt to make the graphics look like professional bowling but it simply makes the game even more boring.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_J._James

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