
Alice Greenfingers 2 Game

We all agree that taking care of plants entails much dedication and hard work, but it seems that it takes a green thumb too for them to grow without much care. A perfect example would be the protagonist in the Alice Greenfingers 2 game, because in here, Alice earns money without ever worrying if produce will eventually grow in her farm.

Alice plant crops and takes care of farm animals, that's what she does best. Her lazy Uncle Berry knows this and thus keeps her in the farm to earn him some easy money. Alice doesn't mind at all, it seems, so she goes around each level doing all of her uncle's bidding. I know the story is kind of disturbing because it looks like Alice is just some sort of slave girl, but that's how the story goes, and in another sense, also sets up the mechanics of each level.

Alice Greenfingers 2 is categorized as a time management game, but actually, it's a free-flowing farm simulation without any time to consider whatsoever. In each level, you are given tasks by your Uncle Berry to complete, and you must do all that you can to budget your money and farm land to cater to his wishes. General examples of this include earning one hundred dollars or selling a set amount of crops, but sometimes, he asks you to do errands too like weeding out dandelions, giving the dog some exercise, or even digging some hidden treasure in the farm.

Buying seeds, animals and buildings, and selling produce and crops in the marketplace all take place simultaneously during the actual game screen. The marketplace and Paul's shop can be triggered by a single click from the game menu, and you can set and forget all your selling activities by just setting the number of crops you need to sell. Furthermore, you can also queue up Alice's activities in the farm while visiting the other windows, making you save time wisely in buying and selling stuff.

Alice Greenfingers 2 is one of the many games featured and reviewed at Casualicious. Please visit our site to read more about Alice Greenfingers 2 and get to play hundreds of other games worth your time and enjoyment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruff_Bismonte

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